Sabtu, 19 Oktober 2019


How to Save Quota When Watching Youtube - Watching Youtube in the midst of a glut is indeed fun, not rare when people have been getting free access to the internet such as wifi, not infrequently the first thing that will be done is to open Youtube on their Android phones, rather than opening social media. 

That is because social media does not require a lot of quota to access it, even if there are not a few operators that make unlimited chat and social media packages with low prices. 

That is what makes people more interested in opening YouTube when there is a free hostpot like public wifi.


For Android cellphone users, Youtube striming is something that is rarely done, especially for students who are still studying. 

This can be understood, the data that is reduced when we areriminning YouTube is very much, especially if we use a simcard with a fast internet connection like Telkomsel, surely it will add to the wasteful impression on internet quota packages. plus, if we are striming with HD quality, wow, the data package will definitely run out in a matter of days.

I have also tried it with the Telkomsel simcard, when that is what I get for the rest of my friends and the card's active period is just one more day, don't think long, 

I immediately tried to Youtube Striming with 720 HD resolution and 2 GB of internet package remaining, in a period of less than an hour the data package was finished without remaining. 

But if it's still striming Youtube with a data package, don't worry. I have a trick to save your quota when watching YouTube, but we have to look for wifi here and there so I can use the trick below to save your quota when watching Youtube. 

That's the way it is below.

1. Use a Data Saver Application

There are a number of applications for smartphones that function to save on internet quota usage. One of them is Opera Max that can regulate the use of internet quota while watching videos online. 

Opera Max can save data up to 60 percent when watching videos on YouTube. This application also records any power capacity that has been saved. Opera Max uses algorithms and software to compress data on various contents, such as text, video, photos. So this might not be wasteful of internet quota.

2. Set the Data Usage Limit

Another easy way that is by setting limits on internet data quota capacity that is used. 

On Android smartphones, users can do it by entering the Settings menu then select Data Usage, then activate the "alert me about data usage" menu. As a result, you will get notifications about how many internet data quotas that have been used.

While to see how much cellular data you've used on the iOS platform, open Settings, then tap Cellular or Cellular Data. If you use an iPad, you can see Settings> Cellular Data.In this menu you can determine which applications are needed for data usage.

3. Lower the quality of the video you watch

On YouTube, there is an option to reduce the quality of the video being watched. To save on quota by using that feature. However, we do this way, the quality of the video that is watched is not sharp. This has been a consequence.

4. Take advantage of Wi-Fi and Save videos

To save on quota, it can also be used by free wifi access which is provided in a number of locations, such as schools, campuses or cafes. When connected after connecting to wifi, take advantage of the best. 

The suggestion is, you don't need to watch the video that is on YouTube right now, but it's better to save it first. Videos that have been stored but later will be watched during leisure time offline alias does not need to be connected to the internet.

5. Use a browser that saves quota

One browser that is relied upon to save quota is Opera Mini. This browser is equipped with a Video Boost feature to watch video streaming, even though the quota is minimal or slow internet service. This feature can reduce the size of video data while speeding up loading time and reducing buffering.

Another browser that can be used is the UC Browser. This browser has a Fast Mode feature that is useful for compressing data quota. After that, it can also use the Chrome browser which has been equipped with Data Saver feature so that the use of quotas is not wasteful.

6. Take advantage of the YouTube Go Application

YouTube has also launched a special application to save quota, YouTube Go. How YouTube Go works When you access the video, there will souvenir tumbler murah, beli aja di be a large choice of quota that will be spent watching a video. 

So it can be adjusted with the rest of the internet quota that the user has. YouTube Go will also provide information about the remaining quota that the user has. So users can find out a lot of videos on YouTube that can be watched.


SOURCE OF TRAFFIC BLOG OR WEBSITE - As we know that the activity of a blog or website is to provide information and benefit from the web or blog. And the source is from Traffik.


Various Primary Traffic Sources for Websites or Blogs - The thing that is most expected by bloggers, one of which is, gets high traffic.
Technically, all websites or blogs can get traffic or traffic from various sources. Some of these are just:

Direct Traffic

That is meant direct traffic only when the website or blog is visited directly. Technically, visitors will immediately type the url in the address bar. Direct traffic that is most common will be started by opening the homepage and then just browsing the contents.

Well-known sites such as Microssoft, Google, Facebook, and so on are the most common receiving direct traffic. This can happen because of their popularity.

Traffic Traffic

Referral traffic comes from a backlink. For example, my blog has a number of backlinks from other blogs. When the backlink is clicked so it goes to your blog, then at that time it says the blog is receiving referral traffic.

Traffic Organic

Organic traffic is traffic that is obtained from search engines. When someone is searching for information with certain keywords, 

then he typed it in the search box as a search engine, and when it appears on the SERP the link appears accordingly, then the link is clicked, then this is when you receive organic traffic.

Then we know various terms of traffic such as paid traffic, cellular traffic, tablet traffic, etc. So why are the three types of traffic said to be primary? Here is the explanation:

Assuming your website or blog is being accessed by a smartphone so that you get additional statistics in the form of cellular traffic, then it will remain later if there is a disaggregation whether cellular traffic has originated from direct traffic, referral traffic, or organic traffic. 

This reminds us that mobile devices are really just a media viewer, no difference with a PC or notebook.


HOW TO TRAFIK WEBSITE OR BLOG STABLE - It is said that that makes something chaotic or instability. Especially if the fluctuation is extreme. Included in the affairs of website or blog traffic.

Maybe my friend has experienced a situation where on yesterday he got high blog traffic, but in the following days it dropped dramatically. Then the next day returned to high. This is what I mean by fluctuations. And if the range is extreme, then our website or blog can't be said to be unstable.

The causes of this instability are that there are various kinds, including among them the shifting trend of search words. And if this is a cause, then it would be nice if you often use Google Trend. Hire for hodgepodge sites like this.


traffic blog

Share your experience, friend, when I experience traffic instability, then I just do it:

Looking for articles or posts that yesterday received the busiest visit,

Check whether the keywords used in the article are still relevant on Google Trend,

If it is still relevant, then I make a new post that is relevant to this article. The password has not changed, but the title has been modified.

Examples аdаlаh like іnі:

Keywords that are in trend: the World Cup

Title in yesterday's article: World Cup Event and Time

When I check with Google Trend, it turns out that World Cup keywords are trendy, so I will write an article while still using World Cup keywords. But the title certainly does not coincide with the title in the article yesterday. For example, the title of the new writing becomes: World Cup and the Champions.

Furthermore, I will take the classic way, yesterday's articles and new articles are to be linked. The goal, of course, is to strengthen one another.

Of course this is not the only way, there are many other ways to keep website or blog traffic stable. In some other ways:

Make posts that are not quickly obsolete, or even sustainable. For example, I discuss definitive things such as history, general science, rules of language, culture, and others.

Make 10 of your posts the highest amount of traffic as a reference. Every time there is a new article that is relevant, then give an internal link to these high-traffic posts. Of course, don't overdo it. Limit only 5 internal links per post.

To check the top 10 posts from this aspect of traffic, you can usually use Google Analytics. Or check it on Popular Posts.

And don't forget, with regard to traffic, the x-factor is crucial. About this you will read my opinion titled Number of Blog Visitors and Luck.


TIPS / HOW TO EXPORT BLOG, IMPORT BLOG AND REMOVE BLOG ON BLOGGER - Here are tips and tricks from 3 things you have in bloggers, that you export articles in blogs, import articles on blogs and delete blogs permanently or delete your website from bloggers.

Along with the definition or definition of "export blogs, import blogs and delete blogs" that we need to know so that we understand what we do.


Why are we doing these three things?

Before we do these 3 things, let us first understand the functions of the 3 features available in this blogger, especially for novice webmasters, but senior masters may also listen.

I. Exporting a Blog

Exporting a blog will only download or download files that are on our blog to be stored on our computer or to hard drives, flash drives, USB data, or similar storage. 

This file includes the entire contents of the content, such as text articles, images, videos, music, and so on in our blog. When you are exporting a blog, the files that are on the blog will not be affected or will not be lost.

The purpose of exporting the blog is to secure the file from the possibility of our account being hijacked by people or possibly to make our blog lost, deleted or lost access to our account because we forgot the password. In other words, exporting a blog aims to back up a blog.

So by saving the file, then we can insert articles that are stored in the file that we have written with difficulty in our new blog that we created again.

In addition to updating, exporting blog files should be done at least once a week or at least once a month. 

With notes every time you export a blog file, then the old file stored on your computer must be deleted so that it does not overlap which will confuse you later.

II. Importing Blog

Importing a blog will upload or upload a blog file that is stored on a computer or USB data to your blog on the internet. 

Blogs that are filled with files are in the form of new blogs or blogs and others, with the file notes that are on old blogs or blogs must originate and delete all the way in order to avoid duplicate content on the internet. searcher.

Importing a blog file is never done once as it has a piece of file to upload and upload to your blog.

III. Removing Blog

Deleting a blog is an act of permanently deleting your own site so that your site disappears from the internet forever. 

The most common reason for deleting this blog is simply because it doesn't stop with blogging.

However before you delete the blog, you must first export the file and save it on a computer or USB Data. The goal will be if at any time you will create another blog, then you will be able to use the old files as additional article material.

How do I export a blog, import a blog, or delete a blog?

1. Login to your blogger dashboard and select the blog that you will manage, then click Settings and select Other. For more details, please see the picture below this.

2. In that place, please choose the option that you will do in the top center. Export blogs, import blogs or delete blogs. Please see the picture below this.

Please click on one, which will do. After you click Export blog, Import blog or Delete blog, then follow the next instructions as you wish to succeed or succeed.

The three are not difficult and there is no need to explain the steps because there will be explained more clearly by the blogger.

As a note, when you import a blog, you have 2 choices. You can immediately publish all articles automatically or publish one by one manually after the import process is complete. It depends on what you like.

If you want the article to be published automatically as a whole, then you should check Publish Automatically before the upload process starts.

That is, it is useful.


2 Ways to Compress Images for Blogger Posts - As a matter of experience, I usually use 2 ways to reduce the size of JPEG or PNG images that My will share below.

How to compress images is our effort to do a process to make the image size smaller.

Well, at this time the intention is not to measure the height or width of the image. But the size of the image memory that is carried. 

Even the height of the image width also affects the size of the image memory. (The smaller the height height of the image, the smaller the size of the memory the image carries).


 How to Compress Images for Blogger Posts HOW TO IMAGE COMPRESSES IN BLOG POSTING
How to compress images

Well, here I share only two ways that I used to reduce the image before putting it on the platform blog post.

1. Compressing Images via Online using TinyPNG

Use the TinyPNG or TinyJPG image compression site in my opinion. Now this site is a FREE image compress site that you can use to reduce the size of the image. But there is also a Pro version subscription at a cost of $ 25 per year.

I myself just use the free version (the pro is certainly superior). Well, for how to compress images / photos on TinyPNG, please visit the link All you have to do is upload an image that you reduced in size on this online image compression site, then download the results.

2 Ways to Compress Images for Blogger Posts

For image compression results using the TinyPNG site, the results of compression are greater for PNG images than JPEG. But in my opinion, it's just that, PNG images are usually better and bigger in size than JPEG images.

This has also been a test I tried to do a screenshot of the HP screen with the same picture, but the results of screenshots using different image extensions (png and jpeg). The result is a screenshot with a larger extension than an image with jpeg extension.

2. Compress Images via Offline using Caesum

Caesum is a software or application that compresses images when I use it to reduce the size of the image. You can download portable versions of the Caesum software and the installer. Enter the link:

Now in this Caesum software you can set the percentage of compressing images. By default the percentage is set to 80%. If you set it to 50%, then the image will be compressed more and make the image quality decreases (blur). But its size becomes smaller of course.

The Need for Small Size Images for Blog Posts

Reducing the size of the image is important before images are uploaded to the blog post. The reason is because this image is one of the things that influences the blog loading speed. 

As for the blog loading speed, this affects the quality of the blog. Because of that, just compress the image first. Also compresses for the blog logo image, and other images that are on the blog.

Blog Size

The size of the image that I usually use is only just for the initial image or thumbnail post is only 675 pixels wide and 377 pixels high. 

For other image sizes, if the horizontal image model is used then the width (675 px) and height follow. In contrast, if the vertical image model, the size I set the height (377 px) and width to follow.

After compressing the image is important for the blog, there are also other important things related to the image on the blog post.